World Telecommunications Day Celebrations

On 15th June, a special village fair was being organised at Tehsil Nunh in Mewat District of Haryana. Organised by the District Judge of Mewat, this fair was dedicated towards providing legal awareness and support to the people from the villages. CIRC staff, from centre in Tain as well as from Delhi, sensed a good opportunity to make people aware about the CIRC project. Hence, in-line with the stall established earlier at Bhim in Rajasthan, a Digital Chaupal has been set-up at this fair as well. Besides demonstrating and explaining to the locals the operations of a CIRC, digital and solar devices had also been put on display and kept open for try-outs. Since the very onset of the fair, curious locals crowded around Digital Chaupal. Dr. Siddiqui, John, Arif and Shabir from CIRC handled this stall with great enthusiasm.
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