Kotri is a village with 300 families residing in it. It is situated near the border of Nagaur at the eastern end of Ajmer district. Majority of people living in this area are small and marginal farmers. Land here is saline and not suitable for agriculture as it is being close to Sambhar Lake, which is major centre for salt production. Many of the farmers are forced to supplement their income by working in factories.

Communication in this area is very poor and road connecting to other villages and cities are in bad condition. Although there is a primary school, the quality of education in the schools leaves much to be desired. Lack of social awareness is also the major issue of this village.

On 2nd March, 2014, Digital Empowerment Foundation started Community information Resource Centre to introduce the digital world to the villagers through latest technology of communication. Now farmers can get information about Govt-schemes and agriculture techniques so that they can’t have only seasonal crops. People can discuss about local concern, MNREGA, the RTI act and social awareness and have relevant information.

Now, MNREGA job card holders have access of their details at this centre. Scanning, online form filling, documents printing and other services for which they had to go far away from their village, are easily available. Many students are approaching here for knowledge and computer education. Basic computer courses on Hindi typing, MS Office are also arranged for regular students. For youth employment, centre conducts communication skill development courses and also provides job information.

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