After HIV affected individuals and trans community, CIRC Vaithikuppam reaches out to tribal children

Living up to the CIRC mandate of ‘Reaching the unreached’, Shiva and Jayanthi of CIRC Vaithikuppam in Puducherry have been recognising‪ ‎underprivileged and often neglected sections of the community and empowering them with digital education; this time for the scheduled tribe people residing in the vicinity of ‪‎Auroville Village Action Group (AVAG). The staff of…

Mobilisation walks encourage weavers of Barpali to become digitally literate

CIRC Barpali is one of the Digitkala Weaver Cluster of Odisha, The objective of this centre is to enhance livelihoods by introducing digital designing skills in to traditional weaving. Anima Pradhan, Coordinator of CIRC Barpali along with volunteers has been conducting ‪mobilisation and awareness walks within her village as well as the neighbouring villages of…