Hasnabina Khatun is 20 years old, hailing from Lochanmati, a remote village in District Murshidabad of West Bengal. She lives with her mother. Due to her father’s passing away, the grieving family was plunged in to financial difficulties, as he was the only bread-earner. Hasnabina almost dropped out of school due to her inability to pay the fee. Braving it all, she worked hard to support her education as well as her family. During a mobilisation activity organised by the staff of CIRC Hariharpara, Hasnabina came to know about the Basic Computer Course offered at the centre. She hesitated in the beginning, but finally decided to join the course. Considering her condition, the CIRC staff offered her job as a volunteer at the centre. Today, Hasnabina not only learns computers, but also works to earn money to support her further education. She has also joined English speaking and professional development course offered at the centre. She strongly believes that computer today has become backbone to everything that goes around the world. She also wants to tell other women like her to always stay confident and watch success come their way.
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